Order NOW (also available as an audio book):

Rock Stars, available now!

March and April Event Schedule!

As we get into celebrating April, also known as “National Poetry Month,” I have a lot going on. It all starts next week at the annual conference for the Association of Writers & Writing Programs in LA before heading around Nebraska to Wymore, Kearney, York, Holdrege and more:

Friday, March 28, 6-9pm: I read at Literary Lights: Rooftop Party With Red Hen Press and The Good Life Review (an AWP Conference off-site event) at Top of the Hub, 700 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA. I’m one of many readers for this event at a swanky rooftop venue.

Saturday, March 29, 9-10:15am: I’m on a panel at the AWP Conference titled An Early Spark: Writing Poems With Young People in Room 410, Level Two of the Los Angeles Convention Center. The panel is about engaging young writers from grades K-8 and also features Kai Coggin, Meg Leonard, Catherine Pierce and C.T. Salazar.

Online Event!
Friday, April 4, 6-7:30pm (Central): I feature at a Zoom reading for the Maryland Writers Association’s First Friday reading. See more at: https://marylandwriters.org/First_Fridays

Saturday, April 5, 1pm: I read at the Wymore Public Library (116 W F St, Wymore, NE 68466).

Thursday, April 10th, Noon and 7pm: I lead a noon Writing Workshop and do a 7pm reading at the Kearney Public Library (2020 1st Ave, Kearney NE 68847). You can register for the workshop at:
and find information on the reading at:

Sunday, April 13th, 2-5pm: A reading, discussion and workshop at the York University Prayer Chapel (900 Mayhew Ave, York NE 68467).

Tuesday, April 15, 6-7:30pm: I give a talk as part of the Iron Horse Poetry Showcase at the Nebraska Prairie Museum (2713 Burlington St, Holdrege NE 68949). I discuss how poetry took a turn for the difficult about 110 years ago and how it’s coming back as a relevant and important form of storytelling and connection. See details at: https://www.facebook.com/events/4145675918989694/

I’ll also be presenting for the Metro Omaha Medical Association, Papillion Middle School, Liberty Middle School, La Vista Middle School, Lewis and Clark Middle School, and more.

My Guest Column on Poetry is Up

My guest column in Missouri Poet Laureate David L. Harrison’s column Poetry From Daily Life has been published by the Springfield News-Leader and will be in other newspapers this week. It’s about wanting to see poetry more recognized as an entertaining form of Art and, in my opinion, I do a tremendous job of not taking any cheap shots at Ezra Pound. You can read it at: https://www.news-leader.com/story/entertainment/2024/12/15/poetry-from-daily-life-a-poem-does-not-have-to-be-something-you-study/76930047007/

Newspapers and TV Segment on my Reaching All 93 Counties

As I finished my State Poet project to bring at least one poetry project to every county in Nebraska, I got some good coverage in the Lincoln Journal Star (reprinted in the Omaha World-Herald) and also KMTV so far. KMTV’s segment does a great job with photos from deep in my term.

Here’s that TV segment:

October: a Good Month to Finally Reach my 93rd County!

So, in my term as Nebraska State Poet, my goal has been to bring at least one poetry event to every county in the state. That got dicey during the lockdowns, but I’ve been catching up and, today, have 2 counties I haven’t been to but both are scheduled. The final one will be Hitchcock County, October 12th, come join me! (And if you can’t make it to that one, I have a few other good readings you can hit)

10/4, Friday 7-9pm, I read at Postscript (1434 Silver St, Ashland) for The Good Life Review at an event to introduce and celebrate Nebraska based presses and publications. Snacks, beverages, and readings!

10/6, Sunday, I read on the Porch Fest poetry stage (3511 Webster, Omaha). There’s poetry 12-6, so stop by any time, I’m up at 5pm. https://www.facebook.com/PorchfestOMA/

10/10, Thursday at 6pm, I speak at the CUMULATE Public Art Reveal at the UNK Calvin T. Ryan Library (UNK campus, Kearney). This is a permanent art exhibition by Leslie Iwai which I helped curate Nebraska poetry elements for. https://www.facebook.com/events/8095784337206337

10/12, Saturday at 1pm, I present in Hitchcock county, my 93rd Nebraska county as State Poet, come celebrate and join the reading in the TCDC Community Bldg (401 E 1st St, Trenton). This event is sponsored by the Trenton, Culbertson, Stratton and Palisade Libraries and Humanities Nebraska. https://www.facebook.com/events/1065165835332322/

10/13, Sunday at 2pm, I read with Aliyah American Horse at the Purple Dragon Paper Company (512 N Main St, Fremont). The local brewery is going to rename a couple of their brews for the day and there’ll also be a food truck, so come enjoy.

10/25, Friday at 7pm, I read some Halloween poems at the Table Rock Opera House (106 Houston St, Table Rock). There will also be opera singers, some Hamlet and more.

Also this month, I lead a couple writing groups with physicians, present at Gordon-Rushville High School, Wheeler Central HS, Summerland HS, Hartington Cedar Catholic, Nebraska Library Association Annual Conference, Hayes Center Public Schools, Lexington High School, in McCook and more.

Photo by Bill Sitzmann

Coverage in this month’s Omaha Magazine

“As reflected in his works, Matt Mason isn’t one for the vagaries of the self-serious and doctrinaire. Nor is he blasé about expression. Inspiration doesn’t ‘flow’ during his workshops, but settles into a clear pool; ideas aren’t swept away, but visibly ripple from each pen.

“Mason leads the Nebraska Poetry Pen Pal program, an initiative supported by the Academy of American Poets and Humanities Nebraska designed to ‘start conversations between poets from different parts of the state with varied backgrounds.’ His goal is straightforward enough: to organize at least one poetry event in each of Nebraska’s 93 contiguous counties.”

Read more at: omahamagazine.com/magazine/iamb-iamb-iamb-mat-mason-and-the-lyrical-heart-of-nebraska-poetry/

Back to School

In addition to going out to new Nebraska counties, I’m always looking to return to places… like this photo where I went back for the first time to my old grade school in Omaha!

I’m also traveling as we finish National Poetry Month, with trips to Elwood, Hayes Center and Bartlett (all first-time visits as State Poet) and a return trip to home-away-from-home McCook, where there’s a public event Thursday, April 25th at 6pm at Pour Farm, 416 Norris Ave.

Wherever you are, I hope to see you soon!

IT IS NATIONAL POETRY MONTH (celebrate responsibly)!

I look to be all over the state this month, so come out! Whatever you do, put a little poetry into your life this month:

April 7th, 2pm: I’m reading for The Schoolhouse Art Gallery (427 Main Street in Brownville).  After the program we have refreshments. The reading is themed as: “In the Woods: Poems about trees and nature.”

April 9th, 6pm: I’m the opening act for Charlie Peck, releasing his new book “The World’s Largest Ball of Paint” at The Bookworm Bookstore (2501 S 90th St). See all the details at: www.bookwormomaha.com/event/charlie-peck-will-read-worlds-largest-ball-paint-%E2%80%94-matt-mason

April 13th, 1-2 and 2:30-3:30pm: I’m leading a poetry writing workshop and doing a reading at Espressions: Coffee and Community (1117 M St, Aurora). 1-2 is a writing workshop in the back room. It costs $10, please register in advance. 2:30-3:30 is a free reading and Q&A. See details, including registration info at: www.facebook.com/events/926624455599748

April 18th, 12-1:30 and 7-8pm: I’ll lead a workshop and do a reading at the Kearney Public Library (2020 1st Ave, Kearney). The workshop (with lunch!) costs $15 and you can register here: kearney.events.mylibrary.digital/event?id=60116. The reading is free and has more info right here: kearney.events.mylibrary.digital/event?id=60117.

April 25, 3-3:45pm: I’ll be reading and answering questions at an Elwood Public Schools assembly which is open to the public (502 1st Ave, Elwood).

April 25th, TBA: A reading in McCook!

April 27th, 7pm: I’m part of Delights and Shadows: A Tribute to Nebraska Poet Ted Kooser at The Church Reformed Art Space (3101 S 20th St, Omaha). A director from the Omaha Playhouse will direct actors in dramatic readings from Kooser’s collection at this free event.

I’ll also be doing other events like running a few writing groups, reading for a conference in Grand Island, a Lincoln Rotary meeting, and appearing at Marian High School, St. Augustine Indian Mission, Macy Public Schools, Waverly Middle School, and Hayes Center Public Schools.

New Poem Commissions

I believe poems should reach people, tell them a story, coax people to feel them AND understand them. Yes, they can be complicated; yes, there can be more underneath, but, first, I want my poems to be about communication.

It’s an honor to be commissioned, recently, to write for organizations I’m a fan of like the Crane Trust Nature and Visitor Center and Humanities Nebraska who not only help me to write something I’m proud of but display them so beautifully.

Thanks, too, Kearney Public Library, Legal Aid of Nebraska, American Job Center of Lancaster and Saunders Counties, and others who brought me in to write poems last year–and to a few coming up these next few months which I’m working on now!

The Front Page of Today’s World-Herald is Taken Over by Poetry!

Today’s Omaha World-Herald has a great new article about my project to bring at least one poetry event to every county in Nebraska. You can read it here:


Counties Visited, 2019-2023

Update on my State Poet Project (with one year left)

Okay, world: with 1 year left as State Poet I’m looking for some help.

Not just for the counties in white (which are the ones I haven’t presented in yet), I’m always looking for opportunities to talk to any schools, run a corporate training/team building with poetry, write a commissioned poem and more (and in all counties, not just the ones I haven’t reached yet, even in other states and countries).

So if you can connect me, I’d be grateful. Grants from the Nebraska Arts Council and Humanities Nebraska make it particularly easy to have me brought in.

As for my project to reach every county in Nebraska with at least 1 poetry event, I’m close! 2 scheduled, 2 close to being scheduled, and 10 that I’ve contacted and not yet found a way to do a reading or workshop or something else with poetry there.

What helps most is if you’re able to reach out to someone you know. Me cold-calling doesn’t work well as poets are scary. (Not really, we tend to be quite nice, but many people are unsure of poetry)

In any case, here is the updated map as we near the end of 2023!

Matt Mason

Support Matt through Patreon at:

And buy his 4th book, At the Corner of Fantasy and Main: Disneyland, Midlife and Churros from The Old Mill Press: https://theoldmillpress.com/product/at-the-corner-of-fantasy-and-main/

Matt Mason served as the Nebraska State Poet from 2019-2024 and has run poetry workshops in Botswana, Romania, Nepal, and Belarus for the U.S. State Department. His poetry has appeared in The New York Times and Matt has received a Pushcart Prize as well as fellowships from the Academy of American Poets and the Nebraska Arts Council. His work can be found in Rattle, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, and in hundreds of other publications. Mason’s 5th book, Rock Stars, was published by Button Poetry in 2023.